
Orbotix,Inc.,doingbusinessasSphero,developsphonecontrolleddevices.TheCompanyproducesroboticballthatiscontrolledbysmartphonesforusein ...,AsaleadingSTEMlearningcompanywithinteractiverobotics&STEMeducationkits,Spheroteacheskidstocodeathome&inclassrooms.Orderonlinenow!,Spherobridgesthegapbetweentherealworldandthevirtualworldwithitssmartphone-controlledrobots.,Sphero是由Sphero公司(原來公...

Orbotix Inc

Orbotix, Inc., doing business as Sphero, develops phone controlled devices. The Company produces robotic ball that is controlled by smart phones for use in ...


As a leading STEM learning company with interactive robotics & STEM education kits, Sphero teaches kids to code at home & in classrooms. Order online now!


Sphero bridges the gap between the real world and the virtual world with its smartphone-controlled robots.



Sphero Robots STEM Company

Sphero is transforming PK-12 education with accessible tools that encourage exploration, imagination, and perseverance through STEAM and computer science.

Sphero, Inc.

DEPRECATED: Sphero™ is the amazing robotic ball ( sphero.com ) created by Orbotix, this is the repository for the iOS SDK for Sphero™.